Testimonial: "Your Product Goop Is Simply Amazing!"


20 years ago our daughter decided to draw on her bedroom "Dusty Rose" colored carpet using a thick headed black Sharpie. Big trouble. I was SURE the carpet was ruined. An older and wiser coworker in Marietta, GA suggested using GOOP to remove it. Sensing this may be our only chance of salvaging the carpet I slathered GOOP on the permanent marker and let it sit for 2 days.

On day 3, wiped up the GOOP with a rag and magically the permanent black sharpie came up as if I was wiping clean dry erase marker from a white board!

Hooked on your product and I am telling anyone who will listen how great GOOP is. I am a life long user.


Reaching out today
because I have yet another happy outcome last week, which I would have never imagined. Our daughter (who is already a committed user!) asked how to remove wax from her favorite and well worn t-shirt. We soaked the t-shirt for 3 days in GOOP. All but a tiny bit of the wax is gone.

Thank you! Love your product! So many items over the years have been saved from stains which I would have never imagined could have been removed.

Don't know what else you make that is available to consumers, would love to know if you have any other magical products.

Be Safe,”

Laurie D. - Cocoa Beach Florida - June 1, 2020

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