BBQ Cleanup is Amazingly Easy With Goop and Goop Towels


Clean your BBQ grill, grilling tools, and yourself with Goop Hand Cleaner and Goop Towels. Goop can also remove greasy BBQ stains from your clothes!

Nothing removes grease and oil from clothes, aprons, tablecloths like Goop

Turkey, roasts, gravy - spills and spots happen. Use Mom’s Goop or Original Goop Hand Cleaner to remove tough oil stains.


Too much build up on the inside of your BBQ?

Heavy buildup on the inside and on the interior grills is best removed with Original Goop Hand Cleaner gel, by applying Goop, letting it soak and break down the grime for an hour or two, then scrubbing off with a stiff brush and hose.

If you use a wire grill brush, Goop gel is fantastic for renewing it by soaking it in Goop, then rinsing it out with hot water. Works like a champ!


Greasy, Grimy Hands - No Problem

Goop Towels are so fantastic for many uses. You can clean BBQ grease and charcoal from your hands, surfaces and clean almost anything from everything. Of course, you don’t want to use Goop where it will get on your food but Goop Towels are extremely useful in the BBQ world, and Goop gel can get the toughest grime out of your way.


Mom’s Goop Stain Remover Tackles BBQ Stains

No worries if you get sauce and grease on your shirt, apron, or table cloth. Use Mom’s Goop Stain Remover and grease is gone.

- Rub into the dry stain
- Let it sit for an hour or two
- Wash as usual